Friday, 10 December 2010

God Centtral Church Harlow - Update 10th December

Lots has been happening this week so we wanted to share some of it with you for prayer and praise.
We’ve seen God help out members of God Central Church with their business this week as well as another member make a marvellous recovery from a major operation.
Today we had the opportunity to talk to the manager of a potential venue for monthly Sunday ‘gatherings’ which we feel God is leading us into as we continue to gather more people by His grace. The meeting went extremely well and we’re now praying for a favourable response and the opportunity to build on-going relationships.

In addition to the new facebook page mentioned last week -
We’ve also updated our current website with dates for January, a couple of new videos, resources etc. Please take a look at and if you know anyone in and around Harlow who isn’t connected to an existing church please forward onto them as we’re keen to make new friendships and see lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Could we ask you to pray specifically for new contacts to come from whatever source as God has really been speaking to us about lights coming on, an increase in profile, new people looking in and we really are desperate to see this!

In addition prayer for guidance and wisdom as we seek God over the next steps in the exciting yet scary adventure we’re on with Him in making Him more famous and building a church in Harlow would be very much appreciated.

Thanks as always for reading, God Bless
Ben & Clare

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