Friday, 5 November 2010

Newfrontiers Harlow Church Plant Update 31

Facebook Update
Hello again to most of you and welcome to those of you who have joined the group recently.
Since we last wrote we’ve been busy seeking God for the next steps in our adventure with Him and specifically preparing for our forthcoming ‘Launch Event’ on the 14th November. We feel that this event is a significant milestone for us as it both celebrates God’s faithfulness on the journey thus far whilst it also allows us to go more public and so be exposed to new people. If you'd like to see the advert it is on our homepage
Please pray that people who are new to Harlow or keen to explore the Christian faith hear of the event and are able to come along. We’ve been fortunate to have new enquiries and so already have new people who will be coming along to the ‘Launch Event’ so it’s an exciting times as we wait to see what God is doing.
Please could you also pray for protection for us as a group as we know we’re in a battle at present with a few illness’ and job problems amongst other things.
We’ll try to give you another update next week prior to the 14th but please know your support is very much valued.
Have a great week and keep smiling
Ben & Clare

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