Friday, 17 September 2010

Update 17th September 2010

Another 2 weeks has flown past and autumn seems to be approaching very quickly in Essex.

Our transition period is almost over and we’re into a new phase of bi-weekly meetings together and then smaller ‘doing life groups’ the other week. Everyone involved has been fantastic and it’s been great to be part of and around people who put the extension of God’s kingdom before their own desires and wants.

We are still in urgent need of a meeting room to accommodate around 25+ people in the centre of Harlow on Thursday evenings for our ‘US Together’ meetings. Please could you pray about this as it is proving to be a major obstacle.

We are now geared we feel to accommodate further growth. Please pray that more people who are new to Harlow, not linked to existing churches there or simply exploring the Christian faith find out about us and make contact with us as we are still eagerly expecting numerical growth amongst other things. If you know of anyone please direct them to our website where our current program is available as well as a ‘contact us’ page.

Continued prayer for health and protection over us as a group would also be appreciated, as we seem to have encountered more opposition again recently.

As always thanks for your continued support wherever you are
God Bless and keep smiling
Ben & Clare

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