Friday, 25 June 2010

Update 25th June

Time is flying by and to update you on recent activities here in Harlow we had a ladies pamper evening last Thursday which the ladies within our group speak very highly of and was an opportunity to bless a few friends as well!
Last night we met to discuss and pray to our Heavenly Father as we are feeling the need to press in, in prayer regarding key prophecies given to us and really see the power of God break out and enable us to establish a significant church here in Harlow.
We’ve also had responses to the website plus postcards and we’re really trusting God for fruit from these as we seek to be obedient to Him knowing that it worship of Him which must remain our focus. This has been very encouraging!
On Sunday we are visiting Jubilee Church London where Dr John Piper is the guest speaker and then having a Bar B que after so if you read this in time and live in or around Harlow please drop us a line and come along – there will of course be a certain football match on as well!
We’d appreciate your prayers for health, jobs and for people to be drawn to us via any method possible as we are expectant of God to continue to add to us over the summer.
On a personal note we are 4 weeks away from the due date for our first child and so are trusting God for a safe child birth for both mum and baby. Your prayers would be very welcome and we will of course keep you updated.
Thanks for reading and hope you’ve had a good week
Keep smiling
Ben & Clare

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