Friday, 25 June 2010

Update 25th June

Time is flying by and to update you on recent activities here in Harlow we had a ladies pamper evening last Thursday which the ladies within our group speak very highly of and was an opportunity to bless a few friends as well!
Last night we met to discuss and pray to our Heavenly Father as we are feeling the need to press in, in prayer regarding key prophecies given to us and really see the power of God break out and enable us to establish a significant church here in Harlow.
We’ve also had responses to the website plus postcards and we’re really trusting God for fruit from these as we seek to be obedient to Him knowing that it worship of Him which must remain our focus. This has been very encouraging!
On Sunday we are visiting Jubilee Church London where Dr John Piper is the guest speaker and then having a Bar B que after so if you read this in time and live in or around Harlow please drop us a line and come along – there will of course be a certain football match on as well!
We’d appreciate your prayers for health, jobs and for people to be drawn to us via any method possible as we are expectant of God to continue to add to us over the summer.
On a personal note we are 4 weeks away from the due date for our first child and so are trusting God for a safe child birth for both mum and baby. Your prayers would be very welcome and we will of course keep you updated.
Thanks for reading and hope you’ve had a good week
Keep smiling
Ben & Clare

Friday, 11 June 2010

Update 11th June

Well it’s a sunny evening here in Essex and hope the weather is good wherever you are.

In the last week we’ve tried to adjust to what we feel God has been saying to us and that is about getting more outward looking and getting out and about in Harlow to meet new people in whatever capacity we can. This will take time but we feel led into it and as such are trusting God to direct our efforts and connect us with people with whom we can build His church.

Please pray for us that we are able to gather more people, see lives turned about and fixed by the gospel and that God would give us wisdom to know what to do and what not to do.

As always if you live in Harlow or know someone who does please take a look at our website as it has more information and is up to date with goings on.

Thanks for reading this and your continued support

Ben & Clare

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Facebook Update 4th June

Another 2 weeks roll past and we hope you are all well and for those of you around Essex/London that you are enjoying the summer sun.

Since we last wrote we’ve had a couple of good meetings as Harlow Group including taking Communion together for the first time. We’ve also seen a couple within the group get married, been blessed with some great teaching via Ed Stetzer and Jubilee Church Enfield as well as on a private note see the builders finish the work they were doing on our house!

It seems almost as though we’re about to start a new chapter at present as we’ve finished our first look at core values, gathered around a dozen people and seen God work miracles amongst us all for the glory of Jesus.

Now we are seeking Him for the next step. God has spoken to us about ‘Gathering, Growing and Going’ and we feel we are at the start of another ‘Gathering’ phase but that we as a group need to keep growing in our faith, stepping out for the glory of Jesus and Going to the people who are in our lives with the good news of the Gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.

Please pray that we are able to hear God’s voice clearly and that by His grace we are able to Gather the next wave of people.

In addition God has been speaking to us about prayer and we are really trying to get more of this into us corporately and individually. If you get this in time please pray for Ben tonight as he’s attending a prayer meeting later hosted by Jubilee Enfield with the aim of meeting with God, seeing Him lifted up and exalted and His kingdom greatly extended.

Thanks for reading this and please do keep remembering us in your prayers as we wouldn’t be where we are without your generous support.

Have a great week
Ben & Clare