Friday, 16 April 2010

Harlow Group Thursday Night Commentary

Hi everyone my name is James and I’m part of the church plant here in Harlow.

Every Friday I’m going to be giving you a brief overview of what happened at Harlow Group the evening before so if your new and thinking of coming along you know what to expect and if your part of the group and miss an evening you won’t be in the dark.

Last night we had a great turnout with 13 people present, it started off in the normal fashion of yummy food made by myself, Ben and Clare which went down well with a side of catching up and laughter, we also had some great news one couple had some amazing news regarding a potentially troubled pregnancy which is no longer troubled and I now have a job so praise God and thank you for all your prayers.

During worship God spoke through me and Ben to the group which was both challenging and uplifting so THANK YOU GOD.

This week Lee brought some very impressive and factual teaching about the Wesley’s and the early Methodist movement after which we broke into groups and reflected and prayed.

By the grace of God the group is getting stronger and more people coming and showing interest.

We value the prayer support of all of you and pray that God will bless you abundantly!
In the words of Ben… God bless and keep smiling!

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