Friday, 5 March 2010

5th March Update

Afternoon everyone and hope all is well. Thanks for your continued support which is warmly received.

The past week saw us visit Jubilee Church which meets in Enfield Cineworld last Sunday and to date this was one of our highlights as not only did we meet with God but also many friendly and encouraging people. Afterwards a few of us shared some food and grabbed some time together which was great.

We have been busy working on getting some flyers printed and we should be in a position to distribute a few of these next week once they return from the printers as well as purchasing a surprise gift for everyone who will be at the forthcoming regional event on 21st March!

Please pray for fruit from these ventures as we are determined to build a significant large local church for Jesus’ glory and so meeting people is key for us. Google are working on our website to ensure it is listed for search engines to find so hopefully that will be another method by which some of the 90,000 people of Harlow can come across us!

We would still appreciate prayers for health and jobs as James still hasn’t been able to move to Harlow although there is a possible opening which he’s hoping might materialise.

Please do keep checking our website – as we are working hard to keep the news and BLOG up to date plus the videos are a good watch too.

Have a great week and don’t forget to keep mentioning us to your friends, family and anyone else you meet!

Keep smiling

Ben & Clare

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