Friday, 5 February 2010

Facebook Group Update from 23rd January

Hello again or for the first time to those of you who have joined us in the past couple of weeks since our last update. Sorry for the slight delay with this update but lots has been happening, we’ve tried to incorporate the key points below. Also apologies to those of you who have joined the group who we don’t know and haven’t sent a personal message to. With the groups size now it is hard to determine who is new and who isn’t so if we’ve missed you please drop us a reply to this update.

Thanks for taking time to read this, for remembering us in prayer and as always w
e sincerely pray that you will be blessed in return.

What’s happened in the past 2 weeks then? Well primarily we’ve had the privilege of meeting lots of new people, from outstanding leaders in our town, people at Community Church Bishop’s Stortford and fresh faces at our Harlow Group drop in sessions.

Last Sunday we had the opportunity to introduce ourselves at Community Church Bishop’s Stortford where we are now based. We have been really encouraged by people from CCBS bringing words, pictures and encouragement from God for us which were extremely similar to previous words given in other settings. God is good!

Harlow Group is now up and running and we have our 4th getting to know one another session planned for Sunday 31st January from 3 till 4pm and then from February are aiming to meet weekly on Thursdays from 7 till 9.

If you or anyone you know of might be interested in joining or meeting us please can you forward this message onto them or ask them to get in contact via our Facebook Group page as we’d love to meet them.

We really feel we have the favour of God with us at present and would ask for specific prayer that this continues and that we honour Jesus in all we do. We would also ask you to pray that God would continue to add people to us and cause people who are living in Harlow but not part of an existing church to hear of our existence and get in touch.

Have a great week and we’ll have another update shortly plus our website should also be up and running in the next couple of weeks too.

Keep smiling
Ben and Clare

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