Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Newfrontiers God Central Church - Harlow update 6th March 2012

It's been another exciting month here in Harlow since we last wrote.

We've had some great times with God on our Sunday mornings and in the various life groups which meet around Harlow.

We are seeing new people every week come and join in celebrating God’s love with us, young and old alike. Age is no barrier when it comes to God!
As a result we are going to be holding our first baptism service on Saturday 28th April so please get in touch if that is something you would be interested in and if you are local enough to pop along please do as we celebrate what God is doing amongst us.

We held our first worship evening last Friday 2nd March for anyone that was interested in being involved in worship. This went well and we are now looking to build on the talent within the church and grow our worship team as the church grows.

As always we'd value your prayers for God’s grace and wisdom to keep growing and keep connecting with new people who can become part of God Central church.

Thanks as always for reading
God bless and keep smiling
Ben, Clare and everyone at Newfrontiers God Central Church


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