Friday, 10 February 2012

Newfrontiers God Central Church - Harlow Update 10th February

It’s been another exciting month here in Harlow since we last wrote.
We’ve had some great times with God on our Sunday mornings and in the various Life Groups which meet around Harlow and in addition have made some new friendships with some great people who are now part of God Central Church.

Looking ahead we have a Newfrontiers Celebration coming up on the 4th March and so if you’re reading this and not booked in yet please click on the link below. This promises to be a great time together with other local Newfrontiers churches and Mike Betts who leads the sphere we’re part of is speaking.

We are also looking to improve the way we communicate the day to day life of God Central Church as we ll as making it easier for new people around Harlow to connect and find out what is going on. To help us in these tasks we’ve recently set up a Twitter account ‘God_Central’ so if you are a Twitter user please search for us or follow this link :-!/God_Central

As always we’d value your prayers for God’s guidance and the opportunity to keep connecting with new people who can become part of God Central Church.

Thanks as always for reading
God Bless and Keep smiling
Ben, Clare and everyone at Newfrontiers God Central Church – Harlow