Saturday, 19 March 2011

Newfrontiers God Central Church - Harlow Update 18th March

Another couple of weeks have flown by and they’ve been busy for us here in Harlow. We’ve seen God answer prayers for both healing and the sale of our friends house in Braintree, plus gathered more people to God Central church!

We’re all excited about next Sunday, 27th March, as we’re back at Harlow Playhouse for another 4pm gathering and expecting great things of our God. If your around and want to pop along it would be really great to see lots of you.

We really feel an urgency to keep reaching out to people in Harlow so as always please if you are reading this and new to the town or know someone in Harlow who isn’t connected to an existing church then please get them to make contact via our website
Prayer points would be jobs and work for people within the church. Healing for some of us (including our daughter Amelia who’s still suffering with a nasty virus), and the continued favour and presence of God.

As an aside we’ve just downloaded the new Passion worship album ‘Here for you’ and would thoroughly recommend it!

Thanks as always for reading
Keep smiling
Ben, Clare, Amelia and everyone at Newfrontiers God Central Church

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Newfrontiers God Centtral Church - Harlow Update 6th March

We hope this message finds you well. We’ve just finished a Regional Newfrontiers Weekend which has been great catching up with good friends but more importantly hearing stories of the exciting things God is doing around this part of England.

For our part God has really been blessing us here in Harlow as we seek to build a significant church for His glory. Last week at our ‘Playhouse Gathering’ we had new faces amongst us again and some great chats which we hope will start some significant friendships. God was really with us and reminding us of our commission to ‘arise and build for the favour of God is with us’

In addition our new website,, is now being found by search engines etc and we’ve already seen enquiries come from it!

Next week we’re back out flyering around Harlow as we want to be obedient to God’s call to go and gather more people. Please pray for us in this that we will once again connect with the people God has in His plan for us.

Some prayer requests would be
Healing of one of our guys foot from an ulcer
Jobs for some of our people and prospective people
House sale for our friends Colin & Eunice
Gathering of key people to help us build through 40 towards 50

Thanks for reading, we know it’s a little longer but honestly there’s so much going on.....

Keep smiling
Ben, Clare & everyone at God Central